David Stairs
“It’s not a blue world anymore, Max.” —Chief Blue Meany speaking to his assistant at the end of Yellow Submarine
The aftermath of the 2012 election got me thinking about color. The typical red/blue dichotomy that the media has devised to represent our apparent “bad blood”… Continue Reading →
David Stairs
It happened in an instant.
One moment I was leaving the school parking lot, the next the ground was close to my face and I could see the EMT’s feet as they worked around me. It was 8:20am Monday May 2…. Continue Reading →
David Stairs
On Sunday February 6th I went to my local grocery store to get some canned tomatoes for the dinner I was planning. The place was mobbed. I looked around, half expecting to see the Lord descend in a cloud of glory,… Continue Reading →
Martin Scriblerus
As the sun comes up on a new day…
Chances are good you know them all by name: Tinky Winky, Dipsy, Laa-Laa, and Po. They live in one of the most completely artificial environments on earth,… Continue Reading →
David Stairs
The author, at his homemade miniature golf range, with his Father’s Plymouth Belvedere in the background.
I was driving across northern Indiana last year when a wide-tracking station wagon blew past me at 85mph. Once upon a time this event would not have warranted notice…. Continue Reading →
David Stairs
Guaranty RV sales, Junction City, Oregon
One doesn’t notice it at first, not until you start frequenting environments dominated by parks and resorts. Until then it’s subtle, in the background. But driving through the Targhee National Forest it’s inescapable: the number of RV-related camps and services expands exponentially…. Continue Reading →
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